Sunday, February 3, 2013


Needless to say, I greatly enjoy snow. Though it has been making getting to the good cafeteria a bit of an adventure...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

View from the lens

Today my university finally got real snow! I love snow and this excites me greatly. Perfect for hot chocolate and sewing while watching tv!

Monday, January 21, 2013

The View From My Lens

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
-Albert Einstein

I think this quote pairs wonderfully with this photo. What you see looks like a castle against a stormy sky but in reality in my university's library on a cloudy day.

Even more interesting now that you know what it is isn't it?

I think I will start posting a view from my camera lens once a week along with my other adventures!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Adventures in Textbook Buying

Ok seriously.... How are text books sooooooooooo expensive?
I don't know what I would do if I had to pay for them all by myself!

I've been working hard to improve my Etsy shop and get more page views
Those of you that do have Etsy shops what methods have done best for you?

The new year is a fun and exciting time.
And I intend to make this my best year ever!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hello There!

I've been meaning to start a blog for a while now.
But it never really happened. So it is happening now- I intend to have many adventures this year and someone needs to hear about them. So that is what this is- my crafts, my adventures, my journey to become who I want to be.

This is my blog. This is me. This is... Emma